Friday, September 9, 2011

HangCat v1.10 Update Now Available

Great news! The v1.10 update is now available in the AppStore; and it is still free! Please refer to my previous post for the rundown of changes.

Btw, a friend of mine recently asked what the cat ever did to deserve such a treatment. I told him they used to call it curiosity... then again, it would seem the cat is trying to climb the Tower of Babel. ^_-

Enjoy, 'til next update!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

HangCat v1.10 Now Waiting for Review

I am happy to announce that HangCat v1.10 will soon be getting it's first update! ^_^

The update will feature the following wonderful new features:
- In-game New game button for quick start of a fresh game
- The Lucky Charm feature is here! Three(3) letters are highlighted, and at least one of them is right!
- Now, you'll be able to look-up the meaning of the word being guessed by browsing online dictionaries after each game!
- +30% more words
- Cosmetic changes to art